Sunday, December 27, 2009

If you are looking for a new job here are 5 actions you should be taking on a daily basis and 2 resources to get you started.

1. Use at least one free job seeker resource per day. There are literally thousands available online. I am amazed at the number of people that pay over $1,000 for help with their job search when there are 10 free resources, that accomplish the same goals, for every 1 high priced service.

2. Email your resume directly to at least 1 hiring manager per day. There is an estimated 100 to over 500 applicants for every online job posting. Many companies do not post their job opening anymore because they don’t want to get inundated with resumes. For this and many other reasons it is imperative to email your resume directly to hiring managers. Otherwise, you get lost in the shuffle, you will never know about unpublished jobs, and you will be relying on luck to get hired. I say this because you will be lucky if a hiring manager picks your resume to review out of the 100’s of applicants.

3. Call at least 1 hiring manager per day, introduce yourself, ask about current opportunities within their firm, request them to review your resume, and ask them to keep you in mind for future opportunities. If they say, “I am not the person you should be talking too”, ask them who is, and then give that person a call. This is the essence of networking. Speaking from experience I always remembered the professionals who directly called me and when an opportunity arose down the road this small group of people that contacted me where the first candidates I considered for the job.

4. Call at least one career counselor or recruiter per day and ask about opportunities, network for future opportunities, ask for advice, and extract any other information possible that will help your job search. Recruiters love to talk to qualified candidates, and you will be amazed at the knowledge you can attain from an initial, free, phone call to a career counselor. These are the people that have devoted their career to talent search and acquisition. This is all we do all day every day, and it is foolish to not utilize this knowledge and information.

5. Read at least 1 blog post a day written by a quality career counselor or recruiter and try to implement the advice given in the article.

Resources – These 2 resources will get you started and are able to accomplish all 5 goals stated above.

Executive Search Online – This is a free service, and you will be contacted by a career counselor within 72 hours. For more information on this resource follow the link below.

Never Fill Out an Online Application Again – This is a resource that will allow you to find hiring managers, find their email address, and find their phone number. You will be able to email your resume directly to them and then call to secure an interview or to accomplish any of the networking actions described above.

In conclusion, keep your head up. If you have been searching for a new opportunity with no success you have something in common with over 15 million people in the US alone. The key is to set yourself apart by doing what others are not. If you do you will be amazed at how dramatically every aspect of your job search campaign improves.

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